There is no excuse a female should not be able to dress.
Lanvin just released its line for H&M this past weekend and the promotion for it has been sick. Check out the 'Lanvin for H&M' video below.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
S.C. Democrat nominee for state superintendent of education visits Winthrop

Democratic nominee Frank Holleman calls for the end of school vouchers, more progressive early childhood education
A little mishap with the lights going out didn’t stop Democratic nominee for State Superintendent of Education Frank Holleman from continuing his speech. Holleman visited Winthrop University Thursday night as a part of the John C. West Forum on Politics and Policy.
Holleman began his political career serving under former S.C. Gov. Jim Hodges as the founding Vice Chair of S.C. First Steps to School Readiness, a statewide initiative to prepare young children to succeed in school.
A major topic in Holleman’s speech tonight had to deal with his evident opposition of school vouchers towards private institutions. “I am an opponent of vouchers and private school credit,” said Holleman. “I think these proposals are contrary to the education department.”
Holleman said that the implementation of school vouchers would unfairly and uneasily increase taxes for S.C. residents in order to fund the program. “There is no data to back up the fact that a private school education will benefit a child more than a public school education,” said Holleman. “The Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) of a school should not reflect its performance. It is still a great school.”
Another major initiative Holleman wanted to touch on was the amount of funding in the public school system. It was at this time also when he criticized the doctrine of his opponent, Republican nominee for State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais. Holleman said that Zais was against increasing funding to the public school system and suggested that public education had enough money. “I believe it is factually wrong and an idiotical statement to assume the public school system has enough money,” Holleman said. “Districts are cutting art programs, afterschool programs and teacher positions due to a lack of funding.”
Holleman expressed during his speech that if elected he would make it a point to apply for government grants and continue to compete in programs where funding will be available to the state so investments could be made. He specifically wanted to invest in the expansion of high quality childhood education, hiring more teachers, reducing the class size and conserving energy use.
Holleman, a product of the public school system alongside his wife and children want fellow South Carolinians to know that he loves the system and plans to fight for it if elected. “I owe everything to the public education system,” said Holleman.
“I understand the things that need to happen in the S.C. public school system and I am willing to fix them,” said Holleman. “But in order for public schools to really succeed parent involvement must be increased.
For more information on the platform of Frank Holleman and the complete listing of his initiatives if elected visit his website here.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
One Syllable Thick Description

We're off to Wild Wings! Loud tunes with the Smell of beer and nuts calls for a great night. The host is all smiles while the DJ is all game. The host has an Abe beard and a knit vest. He looks dumb to me. We came on the right night. Its game night and I want to play. Great DJ. Lots of cuss words and the drink girl who gives away shots leads to a quick drunk night. I am tied for first place and we must play for the win. I know I have it in the bag. If we win we get a free gift card. I LOVE WINGS!
News 342 assignment
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Its your time

A freshman's guide to Individualism
The time for survival mode begins now. Your training is complete and it’s time to put in action what you’ve learned during your span of life. That’s right folks, you are now in college and you are now on your own. Let the responsibility begin!
According to American College Testing (ACT), one in every four freshmen leaves college before completing their sophomore year. Senior mass communication major Miciah Bennett wasn’t surprised by that high number. “That number does not surprise me,” said Bennett. “When I returned for my sophomore year it was evident the people that were no longer around.”
Entering freshmen are like children in candy stores, every flavor seems appealing and eye catching until you begin to consume too much and become sick. Its human nature to adapt to different climates and atmospheres including social settings but it becomes difficult for a person to maintain their morals and mindset when you’re the odd one out.
College is full of wannabes whose sole existence is to take on a persona he or she lacked when in high school. Everyone these days want popularity but refuse to stand out. I scream, “DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!” I personify the existence of myself to solely that: MYSELF. I call for no validation from others I give it myself. I AM A SOLDIER OF FREE THOUGHT IN A CLOSED MINDED WORLD AND I AM READY FOR WAR. Freshman class get ready too. AND KNOW THAT I AM SERIOUS BECAUSE MY CAPS LOCK IS ON LOUD!
Photo via: Google Images
Feature story for MCOM 342
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Change has Come...

KanYe's been talking for awhile now about having a whole new format to his first and most successful blog, KanyeUniverseCity. Well the change has come and he debuted the change today. Well you all know im biased so i think the new site is sweet and i cant wait to read new and old post. But i will miss the old layout because i have gotten so use to seeing the "College Drop Out bear" and his personal universe. I guess this is what you call "Growth" for him. So check out Ye's old but newly revamped site here.
Oh yeah and Power is finally on iTunes to download its $1.29 and the artwork for the single is crazy. Talk about taking on a new leaf on life. Oh well, I bought mine. Will you get yours? Download Power here. ENJOY!!!
Photo via iTunes.
Monday, June 21, 2010
"He's the newest member of the Roc Nation Team..."
Who? Its J.Cole from Fayetteville, N.C. who i am highly anticipating. He was a buzz in the mixtape scene for a couple years now but i honestly didn't pay much attention and boy was I crazy because homie is Dope. I didn't pay much attention to him until I heard him featured on Wale's track Beautiful Bliss with Melanie Fiona from his Attention Deficit album which he KILLED!!
Below is the video Who Dat from his feature album due out later this year. The song definitely goes hard and the video even harder because he brings it back to the Carolinas to show some love. This line from the song is simply dope and stuck with me hard.
"Hungry like a nigga who aint got the taste of fame yet. Clown told me aint you Roc. Well where the fuck your chain at? I guess its something like your girl nigga it aint came yet."- J.Cole He is definitely gonna be something amazing. Drake watch ENJOY!!
J. Cole- Who Dat
Below is the video Who Dat from his feature album due out later this year. The song definitely goes hard and the video even harder because he brings it back to the Carolinas to show some love. This line from the song is simply dope and stuck with me hard.
"Hungry like a nigga who aint got the taste of fame yet. Clown told me aint you Roc. Well where the fuck your chain at? I guess its something like your girl nigga it aint came yet."- J.Cole He is definitely gonna be something amazing. Drake watch ENJOY!!
J. Cole- Who Dat
The Roots-Dear God 2.0
I cant wait until i get paid so i can support these guys new CD. The Roots have been in a game for a minute now and i have always been a huge fan but for some reason im really excited for their new album How I Got Over due in stores tomorrow, June 22. I will be the first to admit that when The Roots took the job becoming the house band for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon i felt they might have taken a step back. But after watching the show ALOT I have realized that Jimmy Fallon has totally made them apart of his show and he genuinely loves their music like i do. Not to mention the show has opened up new heights and new fans that were once closed to them.
The video below is for the song Dear God 2.0 its strong and insightful and i love it even more. The video is directed by Jason Goldwatch and features vocals from Yim Yames which he sounds brilliantly on. The Roots first featured the song last week on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Enjoy!!
The Roots feat. Yim Yames- Dear God 2.0
The video below is for the song Dear God 2.0 its strong and insightful and i love it even more. The video is directed by Jason Goldwatch and features vocals from Yim Yames which he sounds brilliantly on. The Roots first featured the song last week on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Enjoy!!
The Roots feat. Yim Yames- Dear God 2.0
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