There is no excuse a female should not be able to dress.
Lanvin just released its line for H&M this past weekend and the promotion for it has been sick. Check out the 'Lanvin for H&M' video below.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
S.C. Democrat nominee for state superintendent of education visits Winthrop

Democratic nominee Frank Holleman calls for the end of school vouchers, more progressive early childhood education
A little mishap with the lights going out didn’t stop Democratic nominee for State Superintendent of Education Frank Holleman from continuing his speech. Holleman visited Winthrop University Thursday night as a part of the John C. West Forum on Politics and Policy.
Holleman began his political career serving under former S.C. Gov. Jim Hodges as the founding Vice Chair of S.C. First Steps to School Readiness, a statewide initiative to prepare young children to succeed in school.
A major topic in Holleman’s speech tonight had to deal with his evident opposition of school vouchers towards private institutions. “I am an opponent of vouchers and private school credit,” said Holleman. “I think these proposals are contrary to the education department.”
Holleman said that the implementation of school vouchers would unfairly and uneasily increase taxes for S.C. residents in order to fund the program. “There is no data to back up the fact that a private school education will benefit a child more than a public school education,” said Holleman. “The Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) of a school should not reflect its performance. It is still a great school.”
Another major initiative Holleman wanted to touch on was the amount of funding in the public school system. It was at this time also when he criticized the doctrine of his opponent, Republican nominee for State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais. Holleman said that Zais was against increasing funding to the public school system and suggested that public education had enough money. “I believe it is factually wrong and an idiotical statement to assume the public school system has enough money,” Holleman said. “Districts are cutting art programs, afterschool programs and teacher positions due to a lack of funding.”
Holleman expressed during his speech that if elected he would make it a point to apply for government grants and continue to compete in programs where funding will be available to the state so investments could be made. He specifically wanted to invest in the expansion of high quality childhood education, hiring more teachers, reducing the class size and conserving energy use.
Holleman, a product of the public school system alongside his wife and children want fellow South Carolinians to know that he loves the system and plans to fight for it if elected. “I owe everything to the public education system,” said Holleman.
“I understand the things that need to happen in the S.C. public school system and I am willing to fix them,” said Holleman. “But in order for public schools to really succeed parent involvement must be increased.
For more information on the platform of Frank Holleman and the complete listing of his initiatives if elected visit his website here.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
One Syllable Thick Description

We're off to Wild Wings! Loud tunes with the Smell of beer and nuts calls for a great night. The host is all smiles while the DJ is all game. The host has an Abe beard and a knit vest. He looks dumb to me. We came on the right night. Its game night and I want to play. Great DJ. Lots of cuss words and the drink girl who gives away shots leads to a quick drunk night. I am tied for first place and we must play for the win. I know I have it in the bag. If we win we get a free gift card. I LOVE WINGS!
News 342 assignment
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Its your time

A freshman's guide to Individualism
The time for survival mode begins now. Your training is complete and it’s time to put in action what you’ve learned during your span of life. That’s right folks, you are now in college and you are now on your own. Let the responsibility begin!
According to American College Testing (ACT), one in every four freshmen leaves college before completing their sophomore year. Senior mass communication major Miciah Bennett wasn’t surprised by that high number. “That number does not surprise me,” said Bennett. “When I returned for my sophomore year it was evident the people that were no longer around.”
Entering freshmen are like children in candy stores, every flavor seems appealing and eye catching until you begin to consume too much and become sick. Its human nature to adapt to different climates and atmospheres including social settings but it becomes difficult for a person to maintain their morals and mindset when you’re the odd one out.
College is full of wannabes whose sole existence is to take on a persona he or she lacked when in high school. Everyone these days want popularity but refuse to stand out. I scream, “DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!” I personify the existence of myself to solely that: MYSELF. I call for no validation from others I give it myself. I AM A SOLDIER OF FREE THOUGHT IN A CLOSED MINDED WORLD AND I AM READY FOR WAR. Freshman class get ready too. AND KNOW THAT I AM SERIOUS BECAUSE MY CAPS LOCK IS ON LOUD!
Photo via: Google Images
Feature story for MCOM 342
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Change has Come...

KanYe's been talking for awhile now about having a whole new format to his first and most successful blog, KanyeUniverseCity. Well the change has come and he debuted the change today. Well you all know im biased so i think the new site is sweet and i cant wait to read new and old post. But i will miss the old layout because i have gotten so use to seeing the "College Drop Out bear" and his personal universe. I guess this is what you call "Growth" for him. So check out Ye's old but newly revamped site here.
Oh yeah and Power is finally on iTunes to download its $1.29 and the artwork for the single is crazy. Talk about taking on a new leaf on life. Oh well, I bought mine. Will you get yours? Download Power here. ENJOY!!!
Photo via iTunes.
Monday, June 21, 2010
"He's the newest member of the Roc Nation Team..."
Who? Its J.Cole from Fayetteville, N.C. who i am highly anticipating. He was a buzz in the mixtape scene for a couple years now but i honestly didn't pay much attention and boy was I crazy because homie is Dope. I didn't pay much attention to him until I heard him featured on Wale's track Beautiful Bliss with Melanie Fiona from his Attention Deficit album which he KILLED!!
Below is the video Who Dat from his feature album due out later this year. The song definitely goes hard and the video even harder because he brings it back to the Carolinas to show some love. This line from the song is simply dope and stuck with me hard.
"Hungry like a nigga who aint got the taste of fame yet. Clown told me aint you Roc. Well where the fuck your chain at? I guess its something like your girl nigga it aint came yet."- J.Cole He is definitely gonna be something amazing. Drake watch ENJOY!!
J. Cole- Who Dat
Below is the video Who Dat from his feature album due out later this year. The song definitely goes hard and the video even harder because he brings it back to the Carolinas to show some love. This line from the song is simply dope and stuck with me hard.
"Hungry like a nigga who aint got the taste of fame yet. Clown told me aint you Roc. Well where the fuck your chain at? I guess its something like your girl nigga it aint came yet."- J.Cole He is definitely gonna be something amazing. Drake watch ENJOY!!
J. Cole- Who Dat
The Roots-Dear God 2.0
I cant wait until i get paid so i can support these guys new CD. The Roots have been in a game for a minute now and i have always been a huge fan but for some reason im really excited for their new album How I Got Over due in stores tomorrow, June 22. I will be the first to admit that when The Roots took the job becoming the house band for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon i felt they might have taken a step back. But after watching the show ALOT I have realized that Jimmy Fallon has totally made them apart of his show and he genuinely loves their music like i do. Not to mention the show has opened up new heights and new fans that were once closed to them.
The video below is for the song Dear God 2.0 its strong and insightful and i love it even more. The video is directed by Jason Goldwatch and features vocals from Yim Yames which he sounds brilliantly on. The Roots first featured the song last week on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Enjoy!!
The Roots feat. Yim Yames- Dear God 2.0
The video below is for the song Dear God 2.0 its strong and insightful and i love it even more. The video is directed by Jason Goldwatch and features vocals from Yim Yames which he sounds brilliantly on. The Roots first featured the song last week on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Enjoy!!
The Roots feat. Yim Yames- Dear God 2.0
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I am in complete SHOCK, AWE, and EXCITEMENT because of this video. Growing up my family can tell you anything Mortal Kombat mt brother and i lived and loved. I was Scorpion, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Sonya Blade..(Yep, thats right i have no and of course Liu Kang and his bicycle kick (I still remember how to do the code on again). Anyway, speculation has been buzzing for awhile now about there being another Mortal Kombat movie but no definite release has been made available.
The title of the new movie is reportedly Mortal Kombat: Rebirth and it has been said to be more gritty, offer more background story behind the characters and to include almost all the MK fighters. Are you as excited as i am yet? According to the Huffington Post the teaser may just become a movie.
The video below is a seven minute teaser but its not said if it is a teaser for a video game or a MOVIE. Im hoping for the movie because if so my LIFE will be partially COMPLETE. I know a little obsessive huh? But thats totally fine with The video below feaures actor Michael Jai White, the original Spawn as Capt. Jackson "Jax" Briggs and Jeri Ryan, from Star Trek as Sonya Blade, a role i believe she was born to play because she looks exactly like the character from the original game. Anyway, enough of my babbling check out the video below and tell me what you think. ENJOY!
Mortal Kombat Rebirth Trailer
The title of the new movie is reportedly Mortal Kombat: Rebirth and it has been said to be more gritty, offer more background story behind the characters and to include almost all the MK fighters. Are you as excited as i am yet? According to the Huffington Post the teaser may just become a movie.
The video below is a seven minute teaser but its not said if it is a teaser for a video game or a MOVIE. Im hoping for the movie because if so my LIFE will be partially COMPLETE. I know a little obsessive huh? But thats totally fine with The video below feaures actor Michael Jai White, the original Spawn as Capt. Jackson "Jax" Briggs and Jeri Ryan, from Star Trek as Sonya Blade, a role i believe she was born to play because she looks exactly like the character from the original game. Anyway, enough of my babbling check out the video below and tell me what you think. ENJOY!
Mortal Kombat Rebirth Trailer
Friday, May 28, 2010
Oh Yeah!!! One more thing....

KANYE WEST..NEW SINGLE..LEAKED..POWER feat. DWELE..STUPID..IGNANT..RETARDED..COMPLETELY INSANE..IMMACULATE..AMAZING and..DOPE...DOPER..DOPEST. "I guess every SuperHero needs his theme music!" And i have just added to mine.
And im finished. Check out Power feat. Dwele here
I don't Even believe in Using this Word BUT....
the BITCH is BADDDDDDDDDD!!!! I don't know what to say right now because i am seriously floored, at a loss for words and completely AMAZED, all in a GOOD WAY!
Rihanna is seriously the undisputable champion in the GAME right now surpassing all music genres and style, which is definitely evident in her Rockstar 101 video. I must be the first to admit that i was highly anticipating this video due to supreme secrecy efforts she was going through and for that alone i knew it would be EPIC!! And i was soooo correct.
I can't even begin to describe the video, you would have to watch it yourself. BUT, i will say its SEX, FASHION, and ROCKstarish ALL DAY!
Rockstar 101 features guitar legend Slash from the band Gun's n Roses. The single is from her Rated R album that came out a few months ago but the hype surrounding it is still crazy and HIGH. The video includes a cameo from drumist Travis Barker, which gives it an even GREATER rockstar theme. Stay tuned to be AMAZED. Are you READY Hope??? Enjoy!!!
Rihanna featuring Slash-Rockstar 101
Rihanna is seriously the undisputable champion in the GAME right now surpassing all music genres and style, which is definitely evident in her Rockstar 101 video. I must be the first to admit that i was highly anticipating this video due to supreme secrecy efforts she was going through and for that alone i knew it would be EPIC!! And i was soooo correct.
I can't even begin to describe the video, you would have to watch it yourself. BUT, i will say its SEX, FASHION, and ROCKstarish ALL DAY!
Rockstar 101 features guitar legend Slash from the band Gun's n Roses. The single is from her Rated R album that came out a few months ago but the hype surrounding it is still crazy and HIGH. The video includes a cameo from drumist Travis Barker, which gives it an even GREATER rockstar theme. Stay tuned to be AMAZED. Are you READY Hope??? Enjoy!!!
Rihanna featuring Slash-Rockstar 101
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
"Do you know where NICE People End Up?.......

"On WELFARE" inspired by People's Revolution Kelly Cutrone.
All i have to say is I LIVE for HER. Due to this quote alone i will NOW and FOREVER watch The City as long as its still on. All i can do is hahahahahahahahahahaha, LMAO and LOL. Why did i not watch this show before? IDK!
Kelly Cutrone you are a B.I.T.C.H.
Bossy. Intelligent. Tactless. Coothless. Honorable and I LOVE IT ALL! Right Hope? lol
Photo via The Insider
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
'I'm More than Just an OPTION"
Uhhhh lets see. I dont have much to say but...
+The song is cool
+It's production is STUPID..I wonder why? Oh because KanYe West is responsible.
+The video was shot in Kingston, Jamaica...DOPE
+The video director was Anthony Mandler. Check his WORk..DOPER.
+The video had a pretty cool storyline...DOPEST
+Second single from his album Thank Me Later slated for release June 15.
+Oh, and did i mention the producer was KANYE WEST aka MArtin LOuie the KIng JR.."Address him as such."
Drake- "Find Your Love"
+The song is cool
+It's production is STUPID..I wonder why? Oh because KanYe West is responsible.
+The video was shot in Kingston, Jamaica...DOPE
+The video director was Anthony Mandler. Check his WORk..DOPER.
+The video had a pretty cool storyline...DOPEST
+Second single from his album Thank Me Later slated for release June 15.
+Oh, and did i mention the producer was KANYE WEST aka MArtin LOuie the KIng JR.."Address him as such."
Drake- "Find Your Love"
"We Don't Mean to be Thorntons in your Side."
Hahahahahahahaha...This is why The Clipse is Stupid and they can Rap and they have their own clothing line. Because they hate PHONEYS. This following video just made my day and i cant stop laughing literally. I've probably seen it 15 times in 10 mins. Why you ask? Because I "DON'T DO DOOPED." You will get it once you watch the video. These guys have MAD personalities and we should listen to them "Because its TWO of us." Again, you will get it once you watch the
The video is apart of an online video site that features real people and some celebrities being Funny basically. Its entitled The Real and after watching a few videos i guarantee to check it daily. You can visit The Real site right here
The video is apart of an online video site that features real people and some celebrities being Funny basically. Its entitled The Real and after watching a few videos i guarantee to check it daily. You can visit The Real site right here
Re-Up Harangue from jeff on Vimeo.
Friday, May 7, 2010
I try to tell people im always "BEAMIN" .....
just ask Shantall and
What more can i say? I live for this song. Its my ringtone. Lupe is BACK!! I love this song. Crazy Production! All Black Everything! Stupid Glasses (I need them). Lupe can actually hold a note. Who says rappers cant sing? Oh and did i mention LUPE IS BACK!!
"They say my future was dark. See me now. Just Look Around. Im BEAMIN."
Lupe Fiasco-"Im Beamin"
What more can i say? I live for this song. Its my ringtone. Lupe is BACK!! I love this song. Crazy Production! All Black Everything! Stupid Glasses (I need them). Lupe can actually hold a note. Who says rappers cant sing? Oh and did i mention LUPE IS BACK!!
"They say my future was dark. See me now. Just Look Around. Im BEAMIN."
Lupe Fiasco-"Im Beamin"
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
ITS the "SOUNDTRACK TO MY LIFE" literally....
Kid Cudi has finally dropped the video for "Soundtrack to my Life" its only my favorite song from the album along with "Pursuit of Happiness", "Simple As..", "Enter Galactic" "Hyyer", "Solo Dolo"...hell you get the picture..The whole album.
This song has to be the most relatable song to me on his album because I've lived those lyrics. I have the single mother and the older sister that kept me fly would she could...Its the "SOUNDTRACK TO MY LIFE"...literally. The video seems to be a compilation of "home videos" or should i say "road videos" that include concerts, photo shoots, and some random moments in his life while on tour. Oh and you also see a cameo from the great Kanye West. Yep, i know im biased but who cares. "Soundtrack to my Life" gets 10 THUMBS UP!!
Don't forget to check out Cudi in the new HBO hit How to Make it in America it is definitely a must-see for me on Sunday nights. I want friends like those one day..the flakey, inconsistent, live-life on the edge, but with good hearts. Wait. I have those How to Make it in America has its season finale this Sunday (April 3rd). Check it out. Holla!!
Kid Cudi "Soundtrack to My Life"
Kid Cudi has finally dropped the video for "Soundtrack to my Life" its only my favorite song from the album along with "Pursuit of Happiness", "Simple As..", "Enter Galactic" "Hyyer", "Solo Dolo"...hell you get the picture..The whole album.
This song has to be the most relatable song to me on his album because I've lived those lyrics. I have the single mother and the older sister that kept me fly would she could...Its the "SOUNDTRACK TO MY LIFE"...literally. The video seems to be a compilation of "home videos" or should i say "road videos" that include concerts, photo shoots, and some random moments in his life while on tour. Oh and you also see a cameo from the great Kanye West. Yep, i know im biased but who cares. "Soundtrack to my Life" gets 10 THUMBS UP!!
Don't forget to check out Cudi in the new HBO hit How to Make it in America it is definitely a must-see for me on Sunday nights. I want friends like those one day..the flakey, inconsistent, live-life on the edge, but with good hearts. Wait. I have those How to Make it in America has its season finale this Sunday (April 3rd). Check it out. Holla!!
Kid Cudi "Soundtrack to My Life" KiD CuDi - Soundtrack 2 My Life (Directed by Jason Goldwatch) from DatNewCudi / DP on Vimeo.
Monday, March 29, 2010
She's Back Strong
After recently having a baby with rapper JAy Electronica, Erykah Badu is back at it again with her second single "Window Seat." I have always been a Badu fan but i must say i was worried about her comeback but not anymore. The video is different and so Badu. Badu's new CD is entitled New Amerykah Part Two (Return of the Ankh)' that comes out tomorrow (MArch 30th)..Enjoy!! SHE'S BACK!!
Erykah Badu "Window Seat"
Erykah Badu "Window Seat"
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tyga..Tyga..No Woods
Young Money's Ent. Tyga in a freestyle video "I'm So Raw" featuring Chris Brown. All i can say is pure DOPE!!! Check the video out below.
This is why i LOVE Whoopi!!
I refuse to believe im the only heterosexual male that watches The View religiously. Yep, and im not ashamed to admit it along with Desperate Housewives and Glee Anyway, before i get off on a tangent cohost of The View Whoopi Goldberg recently made it a point to disclaim some haters on the show last week. Radio show host Howard Stern and his co host took to the air Monday where they made some pretty awful and mean statements about Oscar nominee Gabourey Sidibe the star of the acclaimed movie Precious:Based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire. Stern and his cohost made statements regarding Sidibe's weight and her future in the movie business, where they said she wouldn't have one outside of her first movie role. Those statements angered Goldberg because they weren't true. Goldberg made it a point to tell the world that Sidibe is currently working on a television show and 2 movies and all she wants Stern and his cohost to do is "get the facts straight." HA!!
You can see a clip of Whoopi on The View that featured guest cohost Elton John below.
You can see a clip of Whoopi on The View that featured guest cohost Elton John below.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sorry JoJo Simmons.......
You have a sick flow BUT Diggy is STUPID!!!
Diggy Simmons OUTDID it with this one. Not only has he taken one of the sickest beats in hip-hop history from MY favorite rapper NAS, he remixed his smash hit "Made You Look" and reinvented the flow for young rappers in his age group. I must admit i downloaded Diggy's mixtape The First Flight on the day it debut out of pure curiosity and quickly enjoyed it especially "Classic Introduction", "Hu$tle Simmons" and "Point to Prove."
In Diggy's "Made You Look" he had some off the chain one liners such as "You know im born in Queens so Nas gave me the clearance" and his hook "Yeah i made you look yall are slaves to the page in my MacBook" hahahaha..Funny good.
Diggy Simmons "Made You Look"
Diggy Simmons OUTDID it with this one. Not only has he taken one of the sickest beats in hip-hop history from MY favorite rapper NAS, he remixed his smash hit "Made You Look" and reinvented the flow for young rappers in his age group. I must admit i downloaded Diggy's mixtape The First Flight on the day it debut out of pure curiosity and quickly enjoyed it especially "Classic Introduction", "Hu$tle Simmons" and "Point to Prove."
In Diggy's "Made You Look" he had some off the chain one liners such as "You know im born in Queens so Nas gave me the clearance" and his hook "Yeah i made you look yall are slaves to the page in my MacBook" hahahaha..Funny good.
Diggy Simmons "Made You Look"
Friday, March 5, 2010
Its the GENIUS in him!!

KanYe West recently took to his new blog and wrote something that I felt finally shows who he really is. Many see Ye as arrogant, conceited, not humbled, and a plain asshole. But that's not the case. What many fail to realize is that Ye is human just like we are full of flaws and always ready for change. Hands down Ye is my favorite rapper, it is his music that inspires me and a day doesn't go by that i don't listen to homies music. Those who know me, say I'm bias when it comes to KanYe and i accept that because its true...Ohh After reading his spiel on his blog i came to the conclusion that "Its simply the GENIUS in him." Yep, that's it. He cant help his random outbursts, blatant truthfulness, amazing music, or immaculate dress. Its all apart of his GENIUS. So for now on when I'm asked "Johnathan, why are you so different? or Why don't you care so much? or even What kind of shoes do you have on?" I'm simply gonna state "Its all apart of MY GENIUS." You cant consume the GREAT you can only sip off of it.
To see the full read of KanYe's spiel see his new blog here and see his spiel above.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Its Futuristic!!
Today the Black Eyed Peas released a video of epic proportions..(in my opinion). "Imma Be" and "Rocking That Body" are both tracks from their multiple Grammy winning album The E.N.D. . I don't know what to say. I'm completely like "AWWWWWW..crazy" the concept is beyond amazing and super Futuristic. The Black Eyed Peas are more than a force to reckon with they are setting precedents. I cant really say anymore you're just gonna have to watch it for yourself. Oh and a quick heads up, its more of a mini movie because its over 10 minutes long but well worth the watch. The video is so good i am almost contemplating going to their concert when they come down on Saturday in Charlotte.
Ohhhh yeah i almost forgot..Fergie's verse in "Imma Be" is STUUUPPIDDDD!!! She is amazing in it. Ok enough rambling..Enjoy!!
Black Eyed Peas "Imma Be/Rocking That Body"
Ohhhh yeah i almost forgot..Fergie's verse in "Imma Be" is STUUUPPIDDDD!!! She is amazing in it. Ok enough rambling..Enjoy!!
Black Eyed Peas "Imma Be/Rocking That Body"
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sewn From the Soul
Catchy title huh? I wish i came up with it myself. Its actually the title of a fashion project done by those boys Joshua "JKISSI" Kissi and Travis "Trav" Gumbs, masterminds behind the prolific blog Street Etiquette. Sewn from the Soul is a tribute to Black History Month which pays homage to transcending black Americans such as Gordon Parks, Sammy Davis, Jr., Dr. Cornel West and others through some sort of digital booklet. Below is a video of the behind the scenes footage, filmed while models and photographers were getting prepared. Its a very personable video that features a bomb spoken word from poet and one of the models Joekenneth Museau . The short project is simple yet powerful with never-ending fashion statements and clear photography. The Sewn from the Soul project can be seen here.
The boys of Street Etiquette are doing it right. They show that young black men can still be seen in a positive and stylish light. They are breaking all cultural biases while inspiring myself and others alike on style, taste and pure elegance. Street Etiquette is more than a daily obsession its a way of life. Enjoy!!
"Sewn From the Soul" behind the scenes
The boys of Street Etiquette are doing it right. They show that young black men can still be seen in a positive and stylish light. They are breaking all cultural biases while inspiring myself and others alike on style, taste and pure elegance. Street Etiquette is more than a daily obsession its a way of life. Enjoy!!
"Sewn From the Soul" behind the scenes
Sewn From The Soul from Alejandro on Vimeo.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
'We Are the World" (25 for Haiti)
Sooo the song and video has finally dropped for the remake of "We Are the World" 25 years later for the Haiti relief. And star power is on DECK!! To name them all would take a year (not really but you get the point) Anyway, I must admit i enjoyed the song and video as a whole but some parts made me do the *side eye*. For example, Lil Wayne..ok..Not. Jamie Foxx's Ray Charles act..Absolutely NOT!!! I mean didn't you already win your Oscar 4 years ago? *kanye shrug*. But i digress. Shout out to Justin Beiber who began the song and of course Kanye for ending it. Overall GREAT song and the collaboration of artists couldn't have been anymore diverse.
"We Are the World" (25 for Haiti)
"We Are the World" (25 for Haiti)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Diddy is still STUUUPPIDDDD!!!!
I'm sorry you can say what you want, call him what you want but you damn sure cant say homie wont still kill a REMIX!!! Diddy just welcomed the world with a teaser video featuring some of his verse from the Waka Flocka hit "O Lets Do It." Now i have to admit that "O Lets Do It" wasn't a song i listened to outside of the club BUT now that Diddy has graced the track i appreciate it sooo much This song will surely be my anthem CIAA weekend. Bystanders in the QC will see me Diddy BOPPING and saying "I got my billions UP, fucking with dem white folks" hahahahahahahaha...STUPID im sorry.
Just to let you guys know before the video begins you would have to listen to Diddy sort of spazz (but in a polite way) for about one minute on how people have been stealing his swag and he wants it back. I think he has a reliable argument but i will let you be the Enjoy!!
"O Lets Do It" Remix teaser video featuring Diddy
Just to let you guys know before the video begins you would have to listen to Diddy sort of spazz (but in a polite way) for about one minute on how people have been stealing his swag and he wants it back. I think he has a reliable argument but i will let you be the Enjoy!!
"O Lets Do It" Remix teaser video featuring Diddy
"Ugly Girls Be Quiet"
Well my anticipation has ended (sort of). Wale's video for "Pretty Girls" was released yesterday via 106 & Park and i have to be honest i expected something so much more...GRAND!! Yeah that's the word i will use..grand. Don't get me wrong I'm one of Wale's biggest fans Attention Deficit stays in a heavy rotation; just ask anyone who rides in my car on a daily basis. Anyways, I expected more club, more fine ASS women and just more of everything. NONETHELESS "Pretty Girls" is and will still be one of the hottest songs of 2010 I'm already claiming that so any problem i have with the video makes up for it with the song.
Now I'm waiting to get to DC so i can rock on this song in LOVE or some other
Wale featuring Gucci Mane & Weensey -"Pretty Girls"
Now I'm waiting to get to DC so i can rock on this song in LOVE or some other
Wale featuring Gucci Mane & Weensey -"Pretty Girls"
Friday, January 29, 2010
Another Again!!
Its not an obsession..I I just have to post this video. The other day day i posted Big Sean's video for "Million Dollars." Today i saw this video freestyle he did to Gucci Mane's "Lemonade" (which is by the way the hottest beat/song on his album) via KanYe's Blog and to say the least its CRAZY!! Homie is definitely one to watch for this year. Its obvious he has an album coming out soon because he's dropping all kinds off material.
Big Sean "Supa Dupa Lemonade Freestyle" video
Big Sean "Supa Dupa Lemonade Freestyle" video
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
"Snotty Nose lil Nigga Use to tear up Ice Cream. Now im wearing Ice Cream"
Detroit based rapper and G.O.O.D. Music signee Big Sean has released his first video from his highly anticipated album Finally Famous. His first video was for the song "Million Dollars" which was also featured on his 30 track mixtape entitled UKNOWBIGSEAN that came out last year which i bought on ITunes by the way. I couldn't dare not support him. It was the best $3.99 ever spent.
Big Sean is slated as one of the top hip hop artists to watch in 2010. Spawned to be KanYe's protege, Big Sean has big shoes to fill which I'm sure he will fit quite comfortably in with the release of his first album.
Big Sean's "Million Dollars" video looks as if it was shot on location in his hometown Detroit, dubbed the "Motor City" due to recognizable scenes from the movie "8 Mile" starring rapper and fellow Detroit native Eminem. "8 Mile" seems like it was also inspiration behind the making of this video.
Big Sean is surely an artist to be on the look out for this year. I'm still hoping he will join a major artist on tour. Seeing him in concert is a must and i believe he could hold his own. Enjoy the video below and his lyrics.
Big Sean "Million Dollars"
Big Sean is slated as one of the top hip hop artists to watch in 2010. Spawned to be KanYe's protege, Big Sean has big shoes to fill which I'm sure he will fit quite comfortably in with the release of his first album.
Big Sean's "Million Dollars" video looks as if it was shot on location in his hometown Detroit, dubbed the "Motor City" due to recognizable scenes from the movie "8 Mile" starring rapper and fellow Detroit native Eminem. "8 Mile" seems like it was also inspiration behind the making of this video.
Big Sean is surely an artist to be on the look out for this year. I'm still hoping he will join a major artist on tour. Seeing him in concert is a must and i believe he could hold his own. Enjoy the video below and his lyrics.
Big Sean "Million Dollars"
Straight Rollin...Literally
Kid Cudi has done it again. I think this may be his best video by far. Yes even better than "Day N' Nite". Not only is smoking weed a crime and a shame to do on camera Cudi took it to a whole new level. He bought, separated, broke down the blunt, rolled it and smoked it. He broke every law...hahahahaha. I guess he don't give a f*** and I LOVE it!!
Anyway, check out Kid Cudi's "hotel performance" video of "CudderIsBack".
Anyway, check out Kid Cudi's "hotel performance" video of "CudderIsBack".
KiD CuDi "cudderisback" - Directed by Jason Goldwatch - from DP on Vimeo.
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